Tuesday, 13 September 2011

this video like a lot of hip hop videos uses fear as a form of excitement and is set in a very dark warehouse with grafitti on the walls and smoke in the air and a scary wheel chair. the style of video in hip hop is often designed around the style of song and the song is raw/explicit  so the videos are often raw aswell

This song hosts a lot of hip hip artists which is a convention of hip hop songs to have a lot of artist on them. The video is in a dark location with bright flashing lights throughout which fits with the stereotypical personer of a rap artist.

This videos is set in like a scary science lab with fire and smoke which is a convention of hip hop music videos to be shot in dark and moody environments.

This music video is based around the film 'Paranormal Activity' and is horror music video which is pushing the boundary of the convention of hip hop music videos being scary. this video like 'forever' by drake also hosts lots of artists.

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